Thursday, November 20, 2008

Felipe’s cartoons, TV and video games

The last presentation was made by my classmate Felipe. He chose to talk about Cartoons, TV and Video Games. The topic was quite interesting and very original. Felipe spoke about how we can get students close to use massive aids such as TV or Video Games.
He gave us some examples, first, about some TV programs that do not change their original names here in LatinAmerica, for example, Prision Break, Lost, Friends, etc.

Then he spoke about some cartoon called Pokemon. In this TV show there are some animals, that have some names hidden in English, or compound, for example, seahorse (caballo de mar), ekans (snake), etc.
Finally, he showed some Video Games, in which the names aren’t changed either and that all students know very well.

The idea of this topic, as Felipe explained, is to show that students who use English of many ways, and that English is a way of communication used in different aids.
Felipe’s performance was quite good, you could tell that he managed the topic well, but as a detail, Felipe moves too much all the tome, and he sometimes generates a little bit of lost of concentration.
But the topic was really interesting.

Thanks Felipe!!!

Claudio’s role playing games in education

The next person who presented was Claudio. He spoke about role playing games in education.
The topic was very original, it was new information for us. He spoke about the different aspects that role games posses and how these can be used at schools.
He also told us about how this games can motivate students and get them near of a natural way to the different abilities of English.

Claudio’s development was quite good, he was confident and he generated a good environment. His topic was exact and it was very good.

Evelyn’s Teacher Burnout

The next person who presented was Evelyn, who spoke about the teacher’s attitude. She began her presentation with a video of real life of a teacher who loses her head because of the bad behavior of her students.

She told us that this was an exhaustive process, which is generated by stress, family problems, work problems, etc.
Evelyn also gave us some tips about how to maintain yourself at the side of this problems and how to confront them.

Her development was excellent, she had a great management of the classroom, the information was clear and precise. The only detail that you can mention was the size of the fonts she used in some slides of the presentation, but those are only details.
Good job!

Communication: the base for a good relantion between parents and children” by Pedro

This week started with Pedro’s presentation.
He talked about Communication: the base for a good relantion between parents and children.

The topic was very interesting, he spoke since the premise that family, specially parents, are the first school for children and that the influence that this playground provides at the time of facing a new education, the school.

Obviously, a good communication has a lot of advantages and this is based in the attitude that parents have when it is about children’s racing. Whit simple phrases as ‘I love you’ or ‘you are the most important thing in my life’ it is generated a great environment, of trust and full of love.

The presentation of Pedro was excellent, I liked it very much, because those are subjects that not only help us as future teachers, but also as a learning for our future life, as human beings, and specially as parents.
Pedro’s management was really good, he always gave his opinion about the subject and he generated a great environment.

Good job Peter!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Rodrigo performed his presentation and he chose ‘Course Books’. The topic was quite interesting, he explained the advantages and disadvantages of this course for teachers at the time of teaching or working in their profession.
In the case of the disadvantages, the book is such a good idea in the sense that having all well organized and in complete order (something quite important at the time of doing classes). It is also good to keep a register of all the activities that were realized and that will be realized.
On the other hand, the disadvantages are that the teacher is enclosed in the book’s reality, and that, in long terms, can generate a lost of motivation to students who feel like their teacher is not making enough efforts at the time of planning the lessons.
Rodrigo’s presentation was quite good, he had good classroom management, he knew a lot about the topic and he generated a good atmosphere.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Dealing with the end of the year's stress

Today, Nicole also presented. She talked about 'dealing with the end of the year's stress'. I believe this is an excellent topic to discuss, especially because we are dealing with the end of the year right now.
At the end of the year, not only teacher, but students also get stressed by the things they have to do in order finish the year. Teachers have a lot of work to do, they have to take final exams, deal with late work, deal with grades' averages, etc. On the other hand students have to deal with end of the year exams, grades and take care of everything in order to pass to the next year.
I think this was an excellent presentation and Nicole did very well. She had some pronunciation problems (the teacher said), but she was very self-confident.

Femicide is not fashionable

This was Katy’s presentation, and it was very interesting. She had very interesting contents and she showed some photos that were quite shocking. She explained the class that a clothing brand, called FES, had as their new advertisement, some pictures of men beating women, and they even gave them some names that in some ways were degradating women.

Katy did very well, she made some mistakes in pronunciation, but she was really into making a point with what she was saying, and that was that violence that can lead to femicide cannot be used as a fashion resource. She made us clear that young people can be influenced by this kind of advertisement and that it was important to stop these types of manifestations.