Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How to talk to children about drugs?

Today Diego presented about how to talk to children about drugs. He made an excellent presentation, he was very self confident and well prepared.
I think it is really important to learn how to talk to our students about drugs, because this is a current day issue. As teachers, we are going to have to deal with this kind of subjects, and we need to be aware of it and prepared for it.
There are a lot of facts about drugs that children don't know. There is a lot about drugs that we don't know. There is a lot about how to talk to childreen and teenagers that we don't know. That's why Diego's presentation was so useful.

Curfew For Teenagers

Today a classmates called Claudia Clavero made her presentation about Curfew for teenagers. They made a good presentation, but they read everything from the Power Point presentations (and I believe we could all have done that by ourselves). I meant they by Claudia and her two friends that I haven't seen not once in jy life.
I believe that teenagers should not be locked but taught. I believe that curfew is not the best solution, but teach kids to be responsible of their own acts.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Bulling: "Teachers victims of bullying”

Mr. litman gave us a very interesting topic to upload, "Teachers victims of bullying”.
We know that is our responsibility as an authority in schools, to take care of problemas that inside the institution can happen. But, what happens when we aorselves are the vistims?
I believe that nowadays this problem is very frequent, specially in schools that don't count with too many resources. But we should act fast and promptly, managing techniques and also managing laws to keep the calm and that the situation don't scape from our hands.
It is important to highlight also, that this problem happens in different scenarios of our society and it is a problem on national height.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pre-Universitarios in Chile

Today it was Paula, Marlene and Claudio’s presentation on Pre-Universitarios in Chile. I believe they gave a very good presentation as well as a very good debate, but they used too much Spanish in the power point and in the presentation to make some points clear.

Their English in general is very good, and they should have used it more.

I believe that good Pre-Universitarios in Chile are for people who can afford it, because not anyone can. The ones that are non-profit, might not be as good as the one you should pay for.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Keirsey's Test

Today I did Mr. Litman’s test and it says: Your Keirsey Temperament Sorter Results indicates that your personality type is that of the GUARDIAN.
The definition says I am an 80 per cent match with this personality.
Yes, its true, I can have a lot of fun with my friends, but I am quite serious about my duties and my responsibilities. Also, I as a guardian, believe in law and order, and sometimes I worry for respect for authority. Besides, I am meticulous about schedules and I have a sharp eye for proper procedures. Sometimes I am cautious about change, even though I know that change can be healthy for an institution.
But on the other hand, I don’t have a temperament given to serving and preserving our most important social institutions, and definitely I don’t have a natural talent in managing goods and services.
It was interesting to do this test, but I don’t believe in it enough.
A freak date, Guardians make up as much as 40 to 45 percent of the population, and that is a good thing, because they usually end up doing all the indispensable but thankless jobs everyone else takes for granted.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Can anyone be a teacher?

This topic born from my classmates who did a presentation about which characteristics should have a good teacher in class.
They told us information about different countries, and told us how these countries have well and qualified professionals in education. Then they followed the presentation, and presented us the Chilean program call ‘maestros de maestros’. This program was made for teachers who teach other teachers since their own experiences. It was very interesting, because the principal way to learn about something is through the ‘real experience’ as an example, our personal practice.
Finally we did a good debate about it.
In my opinion, the theme was very interesting. The group was clear but the information sometimes was too long. Good job guys!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How do IT’s influence learning?

Today, it was Nicole, Dreny, Eduardo and Rodrígo’s presentation about how IT’s can influence learning.

I think that IT’s are really important when it refers to education and learning, because I have noticed that IT’s have a great influence in learning, specially in what

respects to quick learning and to the interest of students.

I believe that everything that students are able to learn from IT’s is influenced by the novelty of the use of IT’s and from how creative you can be using the different aids, now classified as IT’s.

So, how do IT’s influence learning? I believe that there is an enormous benefit in what respects to education when using IT’s.