The last recuperative lesson, i missed it because i was ill, But I knew that Evelyn Alvares and Daniela Bilbao talked about classroom management. According to with my classmates, was it very clear dissertation, but I can't say more.
Then, the next Lesson , felipe Ortiz, Fernanda Cortez y Rodrigo Adaro talked about leadership. They do an interesting plan for the class. First they made a little dissertation with tips about leadership. Then, they divided the class in grups of 3 and we worked in some sentences about it. It, Actually was very interactive management. They involved us on a great dynamic way...A good point was that they gave us a handout with key words. The only bad thing was that one of them was moving around and in occasions was anoying to look him every time. But it was a great micro lesson. So they have my good point. Good job guys...
Before that we had a conversation about the class time. Mr. Litman realized that we aren’t good enough participants of the lesson. We don’t give opinions and other things.
In my case unfortunately, I am one of those persons who don’t speak. But for me, it’s very important explain than is not for be boring or be Disinteresting, but my enbarrasement sometime is stronger than me. Obviously that isn’t a excuse, but oh! Lord how difficult is develop your skills when you feel that you don’t know anything and you feel that everything is wrong so, at the end you prefer don’t talk and only listen and say yes moving your head.
I know... is only that I and myself have to work... and I will do it!!