Thursday, November 20, 2008

Felipe’s cartoons, TV and video games

The last presentation was made by my classmate Felipe. He chose to talk about Cartoons, TV and Video Games. The topic was quite interesting and very original. Felipe spoke about how we can get students close to use massive aids such as TV or Video Games.
He gave us some examples, first, about some TV programs that do not change their original names here in LatinAmerica, for example, Prision Break, Lost, Friends, etc.

Then he spoke about some cartoon called Pokemon. In this TV show there are some animals, that have some names hidden in English, or compound, for example, seahorse (caballo de mar), ekans (snake), etc.
Finally, he showed some Video Games, in which the names aren’t changed either and that all students know very well.

The idea of this topic, as Felipe explained, is to show that students who use English of many ways, and that English is a way of communication used in different aids.
Felipe’s performance was quite good, you could tell that he managed the topic well, but as a detail, Felipe moves too much all the tome, and he sometimes generates a little bit of lost of concentration.
But the topic was really interesting.

Thanks Felipe!!!

Claudio’s role playing games in education

The next person who presented was Claudio. He spoke about role playing games in education.
The topic was very original, it was new information for us. He spoke about the different aspects that role games posses and how these can be used at schools.
He also told us about how this games can motivate students and get them near of a natural way to the different abilities of English.

Claudio’s development was quite good, he was confident and he generated a good environment. His topic was exact and it was very good.

Evelyn’s Teacher Burnout

The next person who presented was Evelyn, who spoke about the teacher’s attitude. She began her presentation with a video of real life of a teacher who loses her head because of the bad behavior of her students.

She told us that this was an exhaustive process, which is generated by stress, family problems, work problems, etc.
Evelyn also gave us some tips about how to maintain yourself at the side of this problems and how to confront them.

Her development was excellent, she had a great management of the classroom, the information was clear and precise. The only detail that you can mention was the size of the fonts she used in some slides of the presentation, but those are only details.
Good job!

Communication: the base for a good relantion between parents and children” by Pedro

This week started with Pedro’s presentation.
He talked about Communication: the base for a good relantion between parents and children.

The topic was very interesting, he spoke since the premise that family, specially parents, are the first school for children and that the influence that this playground provides at the time of facing a new education, the school.

Obviously, a good communication has a lot of advantages and this is based in the attitude that parents have when it is about children’s racing. Whit simple phrases as ‘I love you’ or ‘you are the most important thing in my life’ it is generated a great environment, of trust and full of love.

The presentation of Pedro was excellent, I liked it very much, because those are subjects that not only help us as future teachers, but also as a learning for our future life, as human beings, and specially as parents.
Pedro’s management was really good, he always gave his opinion about the subject and he generated a great environment.

Good job Peter!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Rodrigo performed his presentation and he chose ‘Course Books’. The topic was quite interesting, he explained the advantages and disadvantages of this course for teachers at the time of teaching or working in their profession.
In the case of the disadvantages, the book is such a good idea in the sense that having all well organized and in complete order (something quite important at the time of doing classes). It is also good to keep a register of all the activities that were realized and that will be realized.
On the other hand, the disadvantages are that the teacher is enclosed in the book’s reality, and that, in long terms, can generate a lost of motivation to students who feel like their teacher is not making enough efforts at the time of planning the lessons.
Rodrigo’s presentation was quite good, he had good classroom management, he knew a lot about the topic and he generated a good atmosphere.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Dealing with the end of the year's stress

Today, Nicole also presented. She talked about 'dealing with the end of the year's stress'. I believe this is an excellent topic to discuss, especially because we are dealing with the end of the year right now.
At the end of the year, not only teacher, but students also get stressed by the things they have to do in order finish the year. Teachers have a lot of work to do, they have to take final exams, deal with late work, deal with grades' averages, etc. On the other hand students have to deal with end of the year exams, grades and take care of everything in order to pass to the next year.
I think this was an excellent presentation and Nicole did very well. She had some pronunciation problems (the teacher said), but she was very self-confident.

Femicide is not fashionable

This was Katy’s presentation, and it was very interesting. She had very interesting contents and she showed some photos that were quite shocking. She explained the class that a clothing brand, called FES, had as their new advertisement, some pictures of men beating women, and they even gave them some names that in some ways were degradating women.

Katy did very well, she made some mistakes in pronunciation, but she was really into making a point with what she was saying, and that was that violence that can lead to femicide cannot be used as a fashion resource. She made us clear that young people can be influenced by this kind of advertisement and that it was important to stop these types of manifestations.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

TIC's in Chilean Education

Daniela also presented today. She started talking about TIC's in Education, but then she finished talking about SmartBoards. She made a good presentation.
I believe that technologies included in the classroom are a big advantage for children, because they can help them to learn in a different way.
SmartBoards? I believe we are too far of implementing this technologies in ordinary classrooms, because of what it costs to have one, and train onself to use it.

Gender Bias in Schools

Today Fernanda Cortés presented about Gender Bias. She was nervous at first, but then she stopped and calmed down. She gave a lot of examples of words that could sound malish to us and she gave us some alternatives to use instead of the malish words.
I believe that some teachers fall into the thing of the gender bias, when they prefer boys or girls in the class. This issue can be a little subtle, but is proved that, for example, some female teachers tend to prefer boys in their classes, but they don't even notice this, because their preference is marked in thei attittudes toward boys, treating them better than to girls.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Eduardo’s presentation on suicide and depression in teenager

After Diego, mi classmate Eduardo made his presentation. He talked about suicide and depresion in teenagers. It was a well covered topic because he took it to Chilean reality. He told us the characteristics of young suicidals and then he gave us some amazing tips about Chilean rates of suicide.

This topic helped us to realize how close it is from us. That the tips and statistics are so big that we should open our eyes in front of strange situations that could make us be alert of these tendencies.

About Eduardo's performance, he was quite good. He spoke with self-confidence and closeness, he explained the topic well and he managed the dinamic of the presentation. The only detail for his presentation was the time, due he showed us a YouTube's video that was a little bit long, about this subject. Besides everything else, he did a great job,

Diego's 'Drugs & Alcohol'

This week began a new face of the class. We have to present topics in an individual way. The first one to present was Diego. He chose the topic: drugs and alcohol.
Diego specially talked about the consequences that people obtain from common drugs in the current days.
Actually, it was a very good presentation in all ways. Diego spoke always correctly, he used technology and not abused from it and he gave us different tips about how to deal with this kind of adictions and diseases. I specially liked it because those tips aren't just useful as future teachers, but also as young people and future parents. Good Job Diego!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Project Zero

A week ago, it was our turn to present: Katerinne, Daniela and I.
We talked a little bit about a program generated by Harvard University, about education through art.

This project was founded in 1967. This project is based on the arts an it should be studied as a serious cognitive activity to motivate the new communities of reflective independent learners, to improve their critical and creative skills.
I believe we did well in the debate in general. The bigger problem was that as we investigated a Harvard project, there was a lot of classified information. We could get some of it, but it was mainly general.

I think that in what respects to classroom managmentl, we did very well. We weren't nervous as in other opportunities and we achieved the class objectives.
The only bad things was that there wasn't enough audience that day.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How to talk to children about drugs?

Today Diego presented about how to talk to children about drugs. He made an excellent presentation, he was very self confident and well prepared.
I think it is really important to learn how to talk to our students about drugs, because this is a current day issue. As teachers, we are going to have to deal with this kind of subjects, and we need to be aware of it and prepared for it.
There are a lot of facts about drugs that children don't know. There is a lot about drugs that we don't know. There is a lot about how to talk to childreen and teenagers that we don't know. That's why Diego's presentation was so useful.

Curfew For Teenagers

Today a classmates called Claudia Clavero made her presentation about Curfew for teenagers. They made a good presentation, but they read everything from the Power Point presentations (and I believe we could all have done that by ourselves). I meant they by Claudia and her two friends that I haven't seen not once in jy life.
I believe that teenagers should not be locked but taught. I believe that curfew is not the best solution, but teach kids to be responsible of their own acts.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Bulling: "Teachers victims of bullying”

Mr. litman gave us a very interesting topic to upload, "Teachers victims of bullying”.
We know that is our responsibility as an authority in schools, to take care of problemas that inside the institution can happen. But, what happens when we aorselves are the vistims?
I believe that nowadays this problem is very frequent, specially in schools that don't count with too many resources. But we should act fast and promptly, managing techniques and also managing laws to keep the calm and that the situation don't scape from our hands.
It is important to highlight also, that this problem happens in different scenarios of our society and it is a problem on national height.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pre-Universitarios in Chile

Today it was Paula, Marlene and Claudio’s presentation on Pre-Universitarios in Chile. I believe they gave a very good presentation as well as a very good debate, but they used too much Spanish in the power point and in the presentation to make some points clear.

Their English in general is very good, and they should have used it more.

I believe that good Pre-Universitarios in Chile are for people who can afford it, because not anyone can. The ones that are non-profit, might not be as good as the one you should pay for.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Keirsey's Test

Today I did Mr. Litman’s test and it says: Your Keirsey Temperament Sorter Results indicates that your personality type is that of the GUARDIAN.
The definition says I am an 80 per cent match with this personality.
Yes, its true, I can have a lot of fun with my friends, but I am quite serious about my duties and my responsibilities. Also, I as a guardian, believe in law and order, and sometimes I worry for respect for authority. Besides, I am meticulous about schedules and I have a sharp eye for proper procedures. Sometimes I am cautious about change, even though I know that change can be healthy for an institution.
But on the other hand, I don’t have a temperament given to serving and preserving our most important social institutions, and definitely I don’t have a natural talent in managing goods and services.
It was interesting to do this test, but I don’t believe in it enough.
A freak date, Guardians make up as much as 40 to 45 percent of the population, and that is a good thing, because they usually end up doing all the indispensable but thankless jobs everyone else takes for granted.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Can anyone be a teacher?

This topic born from my classmates who did a presentation about which characteristics should have a good teacher in class.
They told us information about different countries, and told us how these countries have well and qualified professionals in education. Then they followed the presentation, and presented us the Chilean program call ‘maestros de maestros’. This program was made for teachers who teach other teachers since their own experiences. It was very interesting, because the principal way to learn about something is through the ‘real experience’ as an example, our personal practice.
Finally we did a good debate about it.
In my opinion, the theme was very interesting. The group was clear but the information sometimes was too long. Good job guys!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How do IT’s influence learning?

Today, it was Nicole, Dreny, Eduardo and Rodrígo’s presentation about how IT’s can influence learning.

I think that IT’s are really important when it refers to education and learning, because I have noticed that IT’s have a great influence in learning, specially in what

respects to quick learning and to the interest of students.

I believe that everything that students are able to learn from IT’s is influenced by the novelty of the use of IT’s and from how creative you can be using the different aids, now classified as IT’s.

So, how do IT’s influence learning? I believe that there is an enormous benefit in what respects to education when using IT’s.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Debate about Cuban Education

Today we made a debate about Cuban Education. It was really interesting, though I thought they red too much from the Power Point presentation, because that is something we could have done ourselves.

I believe it is impossible to adpat the Cuban Educational System here in Chile, because Education is always related and supported by politics and it would be impossible to change the Political System (or maybe to radically do it), in order to change how things work out in Education.

In spite of what I mentioned before, I believe that Education in Cuba is IDEAL.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Musica's rebelion

Since last week, most of the people in the country watched and commented the episode of María Música Sepúlveda, the student who throws a jar full of water in the face of the Education Minister. I heard a lot of comments about it. It was a national new.
Nowadays, Música's school, Darío Salas, took the decision of canceling her registration and leaving her without school for the next year. In my opinion that was not the best decision to take, regarding to her schooling.
This situation could be a great opportunity for opening spaces where adolescents talk about that feeling of repression that they say that they have. I think that the attitude of María Música, obviously, was not the best, because she had to know her rights and her duties as a student and as a citizen. But as she is a teenager, we have to act like adult people and see further, and solve this problem with a good solution for Education’s experience.

Friday, July 11, 2008


L.O.C.E’s debate.

We started with the debates. The first were Nicole, Rodrigo, Dreny and Eduardo. They made a debate about LOCE the “ley organica constitucional de educación chilena”
First they told us about main ideas of the law, and then the class was divided in two groups. one For the LOCE and the other Against it. I was in the "For" group.
Then we had to debate our thoughts. And the main idea was that everybody talked.
The aims were reached totally. Everyone participated, and the group who was presentated was very clear in the objectives.
The only problems were some bad pronunciated English words which were very notorious.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


We had another conversation with Mr. Litman.
We talked about the aim of the lesson: use of language.
Especially He talked with us about our participation in the lesson. As the micro lessons weren’t good enough in participations, now we are going to work on debates. The main idea is going to be that we learn tips of how develop our speaking skills.

Monday, June 16, 2008


On this lesson, I didn’t came because I was focused on others issues.... sorry Mr Litman...
But I asked what you did. And everybody told me that you were talking about blogs.
So I wondered were blogs were born? And I made my little investigation about it, also because I am not so good at technological issues and you have always to know a little of everything.
In this research I knew that a blog is a kind of
website, managed by a person who entries commentaries about whatever he/she wants, upload videos, fotos, etc...
So, as wikipedia says, many blogs provide commentaries or news about a particular subject; other functions as personal online diaries. People who have a blog are usually called bloggers, and the first term was "weblog" coined by Jorn Barger on 17 december 1997.
The short form, "blog," was coined by Peter Merholz, who jokingly broke the word weblog into the phrase we blog.
So blogers you have a great tool to show to the world or anyone you want, what are you interested in? And why?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bullying.... with ME

On Monday recuperative lesson was my turn to show my topic.
My group was my personal friend Kata and Me.
It wasn’t so good. We also became very nervous.
We studied a lot and we worried about timing, but it wasn't enough. I think that, in materials and content, it was very complete and very interesting. We also gave them a handout with new vocabulary but we forgot the main idea. We use a lot of TTT, but this mainly happened because we were nervous.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

.. On the lesson...

The last recuperative lesson, i missed it because i was ill, But I knew that Evelyn Alvares and Daniela Bilbao talked about classroom management. According to with my classmates, was it very clear dissertation, but I can't say more.

Then, the next Lesson , felipe Ortiz, Fernanda Cortez y Rodrigo Adaro talked about leadership. They do an interesting plan for the class. First they made a little dissertation with tips about leadership. Then, they divided the class in grups of 3 and we worked in some sentences about it. It, Actually was very interactive management. They involved us on a great dynamic way...A good point was that they gave us a handout with key words. The only bad thing was that one of them was moving around and in occasions was anoying to look him every time. But it was a great micro lesson. So they have my good point. Good job guys...

Before that we had a conversation about the class time. Mr. Litman realized that we aren’t good enough participants of the lesson. We don’t give opinions and other things.
In my case unfortunately, I am one of those persons who don’t speak. But for me, it’s very important explain than is not for be boring or be Disinteresting, but my enbarrasement sometime is stronger than me. Obviously that isn’t a excuse, but oh! Lord how difficult is develop your skills when you feel that you don’t know anything and you feel that everything is wrong so, at the end you prefer don’t talk and only listen and say yes moving your head.

I know... is only that I and myself have to work... and I will do it!!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


On the same class, Claudio Barriga, Pedro Perez and Fabián Verasray, talked about bullying (my next topic). They talked about psychological effects ,and at the end, they showed a video were students hit each other like a “funny game”
In general, It was a very clearly performance but a little messy in some slides. The guys looked very confident and it was noticed that they knew about the topic.

Teacher’s Personality.

On this class , My classmate Dreny Belmar,Nicole Mundaca y Katherine Gonzalez, talked about teacher’s personality.
This topic was related to witch competence teachers should have for a good climate in the classroom on the development of a lesson.
The presentation was very nice in general, but I think that was a lot of TTT, and sometimes I felt that they were nervious (things happens). The ppt was a little untidy, but at the same time they had a good use of the space in the classroom.
On the presentation, girls showed us a video about a boy who had lost his interest on learning. The teacher noticed an strange behaviour change, and then she realized that the little boy had lost his mother, and obviously, the latest thing that he wanted, was to study.
When she noticed all that, she became more than an instructor, due to this she became a great teacher, who helped to raise this little child.
That story help me to think again that teachers have to be more than an employer of a school. They have to be engaged with the first principle of education, educate people for people.
That's why, in my opinion the first root of teacher’s personality is to have the desire of teaching.

Monday, April 28, 2008


On this lesson we watched an interesting video about the world.
It was a little religious for me. It remembered me Sodom and Gomorrah’s story.
The video showed someone who was creating a world, and step by step
gave to this world, animals, people, nature and LIBERTY.
When this world had liberty, bad used, started the problems.
Fear, egocentrisms, money, and chaos.
In that moment, the creator decided to disappear the world,
Because he doesn’t liked in that way.
do you recognize the story?

He created the world like others of his collection.
What is liberty for? if he managed the end anyway.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Classroom Management

Today started the presentation of different themes related with linguistics competences.
The first group was Classroom management. The group was composed by, Rodrigo Ortiz, Eduardo Aveldaño and Diego Escudero.
They taught us the teacher’s physical presence in class; the Proximity, Appropriacy Movement and Contact. Also they talked about What’s the best seating arrangement for a class?. They showed the Orderly Rows, Circles and Horseshoes, Separate tables
I think boys looked very self-confident. As a whole, was a good presentation, a little bit longer than as well, but in general was easy to understand. One of the little mistakes was the clothes (I’m a girl who looks that details), they were dressed very different. One was with a suit whit tie and everything, the other was dressed like semi-formal way, and the last one was dressed very informal; with t-shirt. That for me was a point lest.


I did not know so much about facebook until Mr. Litman's class.As a good student should do (at least at the beginning of the year), I made my own facebook. And it was a surprise... Many of my friends are on it!But despite of that, I was asking myself, what is facebook?
And doing my research I found out that Facebook is an online social networking website.
Facebook is also currently available in six languages: English, French,Spanish, German, Portuguese and Dutch.Members in facebook can create their own web pages, extend their social network, publish their music playlists, share videos, post blogs, join groups called 'clans' and much more. Facebook claims to attract over 150,000 new members per day.... :0And now I am one of these 150,000 members of it... Even my primary school classmates are my "friends"..And I should say ... I love that uninterested test like.. what 80'song are you? or what tipe of heart do you have?
I think this is a very interesting theme... other of internet's marvels.